At Home with the Miami Children's Museum

Inventive, imaginative, and fun activities you can do from home.

Miami Children's Museum

The Miami Children's Museum presents  Museum At Home, a portal created to spark playful learning in families at home. Activities help build focus, discipline, problem solving, critical thinking, self-confidence, and risk-taking in all children with step-by-step guides, disability resources, and “Sensory-Friendly Saturdays.”

Explore! suggested activity: The Yummy Yucky Game, based on the book "Yummy Yucky" by Leslie Particelli. Help Stephan figure out what's yummy or yucky in the video below!

For more videos from the Miami Children's Museum, visit or subscribe to their YouTube Channel.

Activities are added weekly, so be sure to stay tuned for more! #MiChiMuAtHome

Visit The Miami Children's Museum website below:

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